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Cookie consent

Cookie preferences

These are files necessary to ensure the basic functions of the website and their correct display and security (e.g. storing goods in the basket on the e-shop, filling in and sending forms correctly). Without these cookies, the website will not work correctly or it will not be possible to use or display them correctly. They are enabled by default and their use cannot be refused by nature.

Analytical cookies help us improve the website by collecting statistical information and reporting on the use of the website by users (for example, how many users clicked on a link on the website or used one of its functions). Preference cookies allow the website to remember preferences of the given user (e.g. language settings, color theme, etc.) and adapt the content of the website to the user's preferences.

Marketing cookies are used and help to display relevant and tailored advertising to users and at the same time enable the evaluation of the effectiveness of advertising on websites.

More information can be found in Information on the processing of personal data.